This guy lives and breathes Rock.
Rad or, just a Fad?
Love 'em or hate them, you gotta admit that some of these Moving Comic Book Covers are pretty cool. As memes and GIFS were beginning to dominate the internet, it seemed inevitable that the comic book industry would get in on the fun. But it wasn't the creators that first introduced the moving covers, it was the fans. Fantastic Four No. 51 was one of the first covers to get the animated treatment and was seen everywhere online. From there, everybody took a stab at animating some of Comic Books most famous covers and giving them the animated GIF treatment. Soon publishers began bringing animated covers to their online content. Discussions grew that this would become a new path in the ways of Superhero Entertainment. |
Some thought moving covers would send traditional covers to the pastures. Although Motion covers are still in their infancy, it still hasn't quite hooked with fans overall but who knows the future of Motion Covers moving forward.
Here's a look at some of the best...
Here's a look at some of the best...
This Ain't No Disco!
This issue got a lot of people into Batman.
Here's another Batman one, and another and another...
Got favorites of your own, not seen here on HW? Send em to [email protected] and we will post them here!