Fuel your Heroic Ambitions with these Super Suggestions...
Are YOU On Time?

If you study classic literature or even your favorite comic books you will find that the hero always shows up, just in time. Timeliness is a heroic and admirable trait which you can easily bring into your own life.
Here are a few tips to make sure you are always on time.
5 Tips to Always Be on Time:
1. Allow yourself extra time. If you can imagine a scenario that could make you late, prepare for it as if it were a reality.
2. Plan your day’s events realistically. Don’t set yourself up for a stressful situation.
3. Carry a watch.
4. Set that watch five minutes ahead.
5. Associate with people with good habits. Bad behavior rubs off. Good behavior does, too.
Advantages to Being on Time:
1. You will have more confidence.
2. People will see you as reliable.
3. Your stress level will be reduced.
4. You can get more done.
5. You will set a good example for others.
6. Your associates will like you more.
Here are a few tips to make sure you are always on time.
5 Tips to Always Be on Time:
1. Allow yourself extra time. If you can imagine a scenario that could make you late, prepare for it as if it were a reality.
2. Plan your day’s events realistically. Don’t set yourself up for a stressful situation.
3. Carry a watch.
4. Set that watch five minutes ahead.
5. Associate with people with good habits. Bad behavior rubs off. Good behavior does, too.
Advantages to Being on Time:
1. You will have more confidence.
2. People will see you as reliable.
3. Your stress level will be reduced.
4. You can get more done.
5. You will set a good example for others.
6. Your associates will like you more.
The Importance of Teamwork!

Throughout the centuries, mankind has made incredible advancements through the power of teamwork and collaboration. In fact, the world would have never gotten as far as it has if our great ancestors had not joined forces to get things done.
All the advancements we have achieved has been because of collaboration. Had the Wright Brothers worked independently, we may not be flying in planes today.
Had The Darring Darrens juggled alone, they wouldn’t be the greatest twin jugglers the world has ever seen. However The Darring Darrens are successful not just because they are great Jugglers, but because they know the advantages of teamwork!
Advantages of Teamwork
* You can get twice as much done.
* You can make friends working together.
* Bouncing ideas off someone else can give you new ideas.
* A situation you share can be remembered easier.
* You can motivate each other.
Remember: working as a team means you have to make those your working with look good. There is never room for jealousy. By making others look good, you make yourself look good! Go Team-work!!
Courage Counts!

The difference between someone who gets things done and someone who doesn’t is the motions of doing it. I decided early on that worrying about how you are going to look or being embarrassed is a waste of time. Don’t rely on others to take charge. You are here to do big things, and you have a responsibility to make your world a better place.
Don’t ever be afraid to do what you were intended to do. Let your adrenaline (fear) feed you. Never give into your fear. Only look forward. Listen to your inner self and don’t question your beliefs. Your beliefs, as long as they are with good intention, are your confidence and they will push you forward and help you to achieve great things.
There are many Superman stories where Superman is stripped of his powers, yet performs as if he never needed them. Super Powers don’t make the man; the power of conviction carries with it the greatest strength. Don’t just follow what others are doing. Be the one that sets the standard and isn’t afraid to be the one taking chances.
When you believe in Justice, you must also have patience. The world is always fair, but sometimes it will not deliver satisfaction immediately. You must maintain your faith in what is correct and good.
Don’t ever be afraid to do what you were intended to do. Let your adrenaline (fear) feed you. Never give into your fear. Only look forward. Listen to your inner self and don’t question your beliefs. Your beliefs, as long as they are with good intention, are your confidence and they will push you forward and help you to achieve great things.
There are many Superman stories where Superman is stripped of his powers, yet performs as if he never needed them. Super Powers don’t make the man; the power of conviction carries with it the greatest strength. Don’t just follow what others are doing. Be the one that sets the standard and isn’t afraid to be the one taking chances.
When you believe in Justice, you must also have patience. The world is always fair, but sometimes it will not deliver satisfaction immediately. You must maintain your faith in what is correct and good.
The Lone Ranger Creed

I believe:
That to have a friend, a man must be one. That all men are equal and that everyone has within himself the power to make this a better world. That God put the firewood there but everyman must gather and light it himself. In being prepared physically, mentally and morally to fight when necessary for that which is right. That a man should make the most of what equipment he has. That "This Government, of the people by the people" shall live always. That men should live by the rule of what is best for the greatest number. That sooner or later… somewhere… somehow… we must settle with the world and make payment for what we have taken. That all things change but truth alone lives forever. In my creator, my country, my fellow man.
- The Lone Ranger -
That to have a friend, a man must be one. That all men are equal and that everyone has within himself the power to make this a better world. That God put the firewood there but everyman must gather and light it himself. In being prepared physically, mentally and morally to fight when necessary for that which is right. That a man should make the most of what equipment he has. That "This Government, of the people by the people" shall live always. That men should live by the rule of what is best for the greatest number. That sooner or later… somewhere… somehow… we must settle with the world and make payment for what we have taken. That all things change but truth alone lives forever. In my creator, my country, my fellow man.
- The Lone Ranger -
More Heroic Thoughts...
* Keep an eye open for trouble. If you see something suspicious, report it.
* Always choose right over wrong, good over evil and mercy over anger.
* Wash your hands often, especially if you are exposed to an area you feel might be unclean.
* Always think positive. It is up to you to see the good in every situation and make the most of whatever happens.
* Don't always be consumed with your own problems, when helping others, you might learn the real direction you need.
* Don't always wait for the other person to take charge. You be the one who does.
* Always pay attention to everything around you.
* Honesty = Confidence. Be honest, you'll get it.
* Remember: all people are working toward the same goal -- Progression!
* Every person has a specific purpose. Every person is different. All are equally important.
* Have Patience; good things come to those who wait.
* Decision Making: The right answer is always what will be the best results for everyone involved. Including You.
* Being a Hero: Do what's right! Behave like a hero. Stand up for yourself and for others.
* Feeling Good: Put good foods into your body, or your not going to perform in life at your best. Don't let too much time go by before you exercise. Drink plenty of water.
* Getting Along: Be polite. Respect everyone. Be willing to listen to others point of view.
* Always choose right over wrong, good over evil and mercy over anger.
* Wash your hands often, especially if you are exposed to an area you feel might be unclean.
* Always think positive. It is up to you to see the good in every situation and make the most of whatever happens.
* Don't always be consumed with your own problems, when helping others, you might learn the real direction you need.
* Don't always wait for the other person to take charge. You be the one who does.
* Always pay attention to everything around you.
* Honesty = Confidence. Be honest, you'll get it.
* Remember: all people are working toward the same goal -- Progression!
* Every person has a specific purpose. Every person is different. All are equally important.
* Have Patience; good things come to those who wait.
* Decision Making: The right answer is always what will be the best results for everyone involved. Including You.
* Being a Hero: Do what's right! Behave like a hero. Stand up for yourself and for others.
* Feeling Good: Put good foods into your body, or your not going to perform in life at your best. Don't let too much time go by before you exercise. Drink plenty of water.
* Getting Along: Be polite. Respect everyone. Be willing to listen to others point of view.
- Scott Cranford