HeroicWorld Productions celebrates the ten year anniversary of the Superman documentary Heroic Ambition with its online re-release to the public on YouTube at 12:00AM, Sunday, April 12. Writer-director-producer Scott Cranford says he was originally “planning on releasing the documentary later this year and giving the proceeds to a Superman related charity.” But amid the current crisis, Cranford “felt giving it free now to all Superman fans would be more charitable and help promote the message: Be Heroic, Stay Home!”
The film, written and directed by Cranford, founder of HeroicWorld.com, gives an entertaining and revealing look behind one of the biggest superhero entertainment events in the country and his successful tenure as the official "Superman" of Metropolis, Illinois
“For eight years, I flew from Los Angeles to Metropolis Illinois to portray the Man of Steel for the annual Superman Celebration,” Cranford remembers. “Since the first year I portrayed Superman, I wanted to make a documentary [about it].”
“A month before my last year playing Superman, I felt it was the right time to pursue the documentary,” says Cranford. "I wanted Heroic Ambition to be inspiring and uplifting like my favorite documentary growing up Pumping Iron."
The director gathered film footage of his Superman-related activities and then put out an online call for footage from the Superman Celebration to add to his documentary project. Cranford was soon contacted by Kevin James, a Boston film student and Superman fan. James and fellow film students and Superman enthusiasts Craig Schaffer and Matt Sinclair drove out from Boston, Massachusetts to Metropolis, Illinois and shot most of what would become Heroic Ambition. “When Matt, Craig and I arrived in Metropolis, it was obvious that we had stumbled upon a distinct community the likes of which we had never experienced,” James recalls.
Other Superman enthusiasts helped Cranford produce the documentary, including Superman historian & narrator Chuck Harter and producers Jeff Cranford and scOtt summitt. Cranford remains proud of the superhero documentary and the message it delivers to its viewers. “In desperate times, people need inspiration, hope,” Cranford says. “That’s what Superman is all about.”
Even though people are being challenged to stay home for now, Cranford agrees each person has the power to make things better: "We determine how heroic our world can be!"
HEROIC AMBITION A HeroicWorld Production Written & Directed by Scott Cranford Narrated by Chuck Harter Produced by Kevin James, Matthew Sinclair, Jeff Cranford, and scOtt summitt Cinematography by Craig Shannon Edited by Jeff Cranford Artwork by Steve Stanley & scOtt summitt Executive Producer Scott Cranford Distributed by HeroicWorld Productions Official Website: www.HeroicAmbition.com